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Slate tiles and mosaics from stonetiledepot.com are of premium quality with the lowest prices. Our slate tiles are ideal for stone flooring and a wide variety of wall and floor applications interior and exterior.
Slate floor tiles have a lot of variation, and this provides a more natural earthy look. Furthermore, slate tiles have varying thicknesses, and it is excellent for use in areas that require some rustic feel.
For commercial applications, slate tiles are ideal for restaurant floors, and wall tiles. These tiles used on commercial floors provide a rustic and practical feel with many vibrant and beautiful colors. African slate or Multicolor Indian slate particular has rich tones of gold, greens, and blacks all over. Designers love these colors with large variations.
Slate mosaics in many different sizes and shapes can enhance these designs with an even more exciting look. Natural slate tiles are preferred to man-made materials.
The main finish is natural cleft slate tiles. What that means is that pieces of stone are produced by splitting the cliffs and rifts on mountain riverbeds. Factories then have to size them to a desirable size and calibrate the back for some consistency in thickness. Natural cleft slate is the best finish and is more practical.
The other popular finish is honed. Honing slate tiles is done with an automatic machine with multiple heads. Tiles are run through these machines to provide a smooth honed surface on one side. Although honed slate is gorgeous, it may scratch easily. Therefore, it is not recommended for floor tile applications.
Slate is the most economical type of natural stone. It is abundant in India and China, and it is the least expensive type of natural stone. Keep in mind that slate is not the most durable natural floor material, and for that reason, there may be a certain amount of breakage during handling.
Slate is widely available in the United States ( Mostly Vermont Slate, Pennsylvania bluestone, which is a type of slate,) South African slate Brazilian, and Indian slate. In India, It comes from the South or the North. Slate from North India is duller but a little bit stronger.
Vermont and Pennsylvania slate come in all kinds of sizes, and it is used mostly for exterior pool deck flooring material or landscaping stone. Bluestone or slate is a very abundant material. One of the main reasons for this is that it is semi-frost-proof and can be used in many exterior flooring projects in the Northeast U.S.
South African slate is very dramatic in color variation, and depending on the person, people love it or tolerate it. African slate is great for very rustic spaces where there is a lot of color variation is desired.
The slate should not fall apart when you pick up the tiles. Some breakage is expected, but in general, pieces should hold together, and you should not have a lot of damage.
Also, pieces should have reasonable thickness variation under control, and there should not be a vast difference between thin and thick pieces. This makes it easy to install.
Slate can be sealed color enhanced or not depending on personal preference. If shade is enhanced, the slate will look wild and variant.