hospital flooring tile options

Different Hospital Floors: 7+ Healthcare Flooring Options

What Is The Best Tile For A Hospital?

Installing the correct type of tile in a commercial healthcare setting matters for several key reasons. The material you select for a hospital’s floor space has to be both functional and hardwearing. Hospitals see lots of traffic from visitors so the flooring installed must be able to withstand heavy, frequent usage.

Your choice of hospitality tile has to be cost-effective and easily replaced or repaired if it gets damaged. Patients and staff also need to easily walk on the floors and have steady access to the facility. Lastly, the proper choice of hospitality tile will allow for safety. Everyone who walks into the facility should be able to do so with little fear of injury.

vinyl hospital tile flooring

It is highly recommended to use vinyl, linoleum, porcelain, rubber, or hospitality-grade textured carpet tile in commercial healthcare settings. These durable materials will deliver in each of the most key areas while keeping your staff and patients safe inside the facility.

If you would like to learn more about the best types of hospitality tiles we have provided a list of the best options available below. We have also provided helpful suggestions for hospitality carpet tiles that will create the right balance of color and pattern for your healthcare facility.

vinyl hospital flooring tile

What Is The Best Color Of Hospital Tiles?

Some studies suggest that colors are a sensory experience that influences how people feel and perceive the world around them. Researchers say that green and blue are the colors that evoke the feeling of calmness. Yellow and red have been discovered to be more energizing shades. Considering these findings, we recommend you keep in mind the impact of certain hues when choosing your facility’s color scheme.

Regarding your hospitality floor tile design, you want to make the space appear safe and inviting. It’s ideal to seek a balance between cool tones and pops of warmth to create an atmosphere that’s soothing and comfortable.

Balancing the colors of your hospitality tile benefits the morale of your staff. Furthermore, your patients will feel relaxed when inside the facility which enhances the satisfaction during the stay. A mix of bright colors and cool tones also allows your cleaning staff to prioritize hygiene and keep floors safe for everyone inside the facility. White tiles can be a good option to create a sense of cleanliness.

yellow and blue hospital flooring

Is Hospital Tile Different From Regular Tile?

The answer is yes and no. Hospital policies call for strict flooring requirements. Only a select number of hospitality tiles will meet the necessary standards for durability and safety. Hospital-grade flooring has to be able to withstand heavy use each day while remaining safe and hygienic. The following types of hospitality tiles are recommended. Most of the tiles on this list are not types of tiles that will be found in most homes while others are materials that you can use commercially and in homes.

vinyl hospital tile flooring

7 Tile Ideas For 2023

The six types of hospitality tiles are the most used in hospitals and commercial healthcare facilities. Any material from this list will result in durable floors and long-lasting safety benefits.

luxury vinyl hospital tile flooring

1. Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Luxury vinyl tile flooring (LTV) is used in hospitals, urgent care centers, and clinics all over the country. Luxury vinyl boasts exceptional durability and can be applied to most areas of a hospital without issue. Luxury vinyl tile also offers the following benefits:

  • Long-lasting function (anywhere from 10-25 years)
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • A wide variety of patterns and colors
  • Can mimic to look of stone, wood, and marble
  • Withstand heavy foot traffic and machine usage
  • Resistance to chips and cracks
  • Relatively easy cleaning and maintenance


hospital sheet vinyl tile floor


2. Sheet Vinyl Flooring

Sheet vinyl is another nice option for hospitality settings. It is typically formatted on sheets that are six feet wide to provide ample floor and wall coverage. Sheet vinyl is also often referred to as linoleum based on its composition, so be sure to double-check with professionals that you are using it on the correct surfaces before having it installed.


grey rubber tile hospital flooring


3. Rubber Tile Flooring

Rubber flooring has always been a staple in gyms, and workout facilities. Thanks to its numerous safety benefits, rubber tile flooring are also gaining popularity in hospital settings. The best places to install rubber flooring will be in the cafeteria, as well as in bathrooms, hallways, and as an outdoor hospitality tile. Rubber is also a fantastic choice for a cellar hospitality tile, the foundation of your facility will receive a durability boost with this hardwearing material. Additional advantages of rubber tile flooring are:

  • Easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Hypoallergenic properties
  • Moisture resistance
  • Long-lasting durability
  • Scratch, mildew, bacteria, and stain resistance
  • Decreasing chances of slips and falls for staff and patients
  • Excellent sound absorption
  • Comfortable conditions for walking and standing

The benefits of rubber flooring in commercial healthcare settings are unmatched. You will not regret having this incredibly versatile material in your hospital’s most used areas.


gray vinyl composite hospital flooring tile


4. Vinyl Composite Tile Flooring

Also known as VCT this type of vinyl flooring meets all the requirements to function well in different healthcare settings. It shares properties with both LTV and rubber tile flooring.

linoleum flooring tile hospital

5. Linoleum Flooring

Linoleum flooring has had a long-standing place in healthcare settings. The material boasts many of the same advantages held by vinyl floors with one exception- longevity. Properly installed linoleum floors are a great investment, typically lasting over 25 years.

Linoleum flooring is also:

  • Available in a wide selection of patterns and styles.
  • More affordable than other materials on this list.

Healthcare brown porcelain tile flooring

6. Porcelain Tile Floors

Porcelain tiles are on this list because they are durable and beautiful solutions for commercial healthcare floors. Hospitality porcelain tile floor designs are customizable and versatile so you can have the function and color palette needed to give patients the ultimate care experience. Porcelain hospitality tile floor patterns are abundant so you can achieve many unique color combinations or keep flooring simple.


carpet tile hospital flooring


7. Hospitality-Grade Carpet Tiles

You may have noticed that many hospitals have heavy-duty carpeting in some areas. The areas are covered in textured hospitality-grade carpet tile. The most common color you will see in hospitals is grey tiles, but black tiles and shades of blue are also popular. Textured carpet tile for hospitality facilities is suitable for spaces where patients will be gathering such as entryways and waiting rooms. This thick heavy-wear tile provides a grip to prevent injuries and a highly stylish appearance that breaks up the look of traditional tile.


At Stone Tile Depot, we enjoy informing you about different versions of tiles and more! Please contact us, and our team will provide you with the information you need.