Kuni Porcelain Collection | Porcelain Tile | Porcelain Flooring

Kuni Porcelain Collection

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If you like rustic, simplistic tiling, the Kuni porcelain tiles are just for you. They come in both light and dark shades, resembling that of hardwood. However, unlike wood, these tiles are fireproof, frost-proof and resistant to stains and scratches.

hese are also resistant to the abrasive effect of cleaners, so you can clean the Kuni porcelain tiles with almost everything. However, there is little requirement for using chemical cleaners, as the tiles can be wiped clean with soap and water. These are incredibly cost-effective tiles for both residential and commercial properties. If you think that their affordability is evidence of low-quality, you are wrong. The Kuni Porcelain tiles can last for years with minimum wear and tear.

Another striking feature of these tiles is they can mimic the appearance of hardwood without retaining the disadvantages of the latter. So you can say that installing these tiles is a cost-effective way of making your property appear luxurious to the common eye.

You need not polish, seal or apply wax on these tiles to save them from moisture. The Kuni porcelain tiles are sturdy, durable, and scratch-resistant. Our prices of Kuni Porcelain tiles at the Stone Tile Depot is lower than most of our competitors', giving us an edge over them. We also offer discounts on bulk purchases, so you can fulfill all your needs at our one-stop tiles store. Although the quality of our tiles never fails to amaze, you can utilize our 30-days money-back guarantee, in case they meet your disappointment. Read the details of this policy given at the bottom of this page before you make a purchase. Do you have doubts about our Kuni Porcelain collection or anything else? Contact our customer service professionals, who are here to resolve your queries. If all seems well, choose your favorite Kuni Porcelain tiles from our collection and order them right away.